Sunday, September 22, 2024

22 September, 2024

Had the worst day at work today. I know I have been MIA for a few days. It has been really hectic if I am being honest with y'all.

I think I have finally finished moving out of my previous house. The agent said that the house needed to be cleaned professionally which we did. It cost us around $600 aud. Not to mention the rest of the bills that keeps pouring in. They said we have to clean the bins. Went over in the evening last Friday and cleaned it.

Gosh... just remembered I need to change my DoT address. Ughhhh will do it tomorrow -_-

I am completely drained. 

Now, let me tell you why I had the worst day at work today. I went into work today thinking I'm not working in dementia wing today (I work in an aged care btw). But turns out my roster manager switched me to dementia wing, didn't even think to inform me (thanks!) and when I reached there, they were like, "Oh you are not in this wing today. You are in dementia wing." In my head I am thinking, "Uhhh not again." 

Lets be real. I have 9 shifts and 8 of them are in dementia. It is mentally and physically exhausting having to look after 33 residents with just 4 staffs and their behaviors are through the roof most days. And by that, I mean fighting, hitting, arguing, shouting, screaming etc. Will I be sued for writing about my work on this online page? IDK.

Anyway, I got hit in the eye. PUNCHED in the eye to be specific. I'll be lucky if it doesn't bruise. My eye throbbed in pain, I was writhing in pain. Absolutely contemplated going back home at that stage. Still have a bit of swelling on my right eyebrows and pain upon touching.

Cannot believe I still have to go to that wretched place tomorrow. Absolutely thought about calling in sick but its public holiday tomorrow. It's a good pay :(

Other than that, I tried to vlog my first video for YouTube which was a failure. I need a tripod to stand my camera on because I tried to be creative about my camera placement, but the angles were not giving. I have ordered a tripod online. Your girl is committed.

Going to vlog my first video probably a few days after the tripod arrives. Was thinking of vlogging when the King arrives, you know? If you are Bhutanese, you probably know that HM of Bhutan is arriving in Australia. Pretty sure every Bhutanese has registered for an audience. I did. So excited to wear my national dress again! 

My partner bought me a Nintendo switch so we can play some games together. So far, loving it.

I think that is pretty much it for my life update recently. Been going to the gym. Didn't go today because I was absolutely smashed. Will go tomorrow though. 

Going to bed now. Night night x 

Friday, September 13, 2024

13 September, 2024

Remember how I said, in my last post, that I wanted a camera? Well, lucky for me because I scored one online! I am over the moon, constantly fiddling with my new camera. For those who are wondering what I got, it's a Canon g7x mark 2. I love the color chemistry, and I am already obsessed with it. Here is a picture below for reference. 

Other than that, I also achieved something which might be a little absurd to the 'perfect drivers'. I have been driving for over a year, but I have an immense fear of driving in freeway. So today I was like, "F*ck that, let's do this." I drove in freeway, a little anxious but I made it! I went to my friend's house because it was her birthday. Got her some pink roses (she loves pink) and a small gift. We went to carousel after, did some shopping, grabbed lunch and headed back home.  

Filmed a mini vlog because I was obviously, very excited to use my camera! :P 

Also took some food pictures but really, this is the best one I got.

The place is called Super Tetsudo. Located in various locations but this one was in Westfield Carousel. Love going there. Love the food. Love the tech over there. It was, surprisingly, my friend's first time there! I had to take her. Although, she was not a big fan of sea food. 

Later in the evening, I did end up going with my partner and some of our friends to Shisha. Had a good talk. Always a lovely time with them. 
Did not take my camera there because it is a bit of a dodgy area. 

Anyway, I would think this day was a 10/10. Absolutely loved everything about my day today. 

Monday, September 9, 2024

10 September, 2024

 I signed up for gym for the second time this year. Different companies but my friends go to the gym I go to now so I can have gym buddies! I signed up this afternoon and I joined my friend in the evening, and it was so much fun! The burn was so goooood. 

Anyway, thats not the point of today's post. Today's post is going to be about my Sunday morning. 

Last week's Sunday, I went out with two of my friends for a girlie brunch. It was a cafe called Cafe LA situated at Leederville. I was pretty surprised to see the cafe really packed so early in the morning considering we were there at 9am. I'm guessing the cafe is really popular and I must say the food was delicious. I ordered a Shokupan Brulee with my drink Marshmallow Vienna (yes, I have a sweet tooth). I will include a picture below for your reference however, taking food pictures has never been my forte. 

So, mine is the one with strawberries and walnuts on it. My friend, Soph, ordered a Croque Madame with Mont Blanc and she finished it all. My guess is it was delish! :D My other friend, Len, ordered LA Benedict with Matcha Latte I think, which was also amazing according to her and it was a pretty large portion which was surprising. 

It was so much fun and refreshing to be honest, from my monotonous life at least. I would love to do more fun brunches, dinners or outings if anyone is interested. :) 

I have been looking to buy a digital camera, you know, to take some good pictures and maybe even start a YouTube channel? Is that too ambitious? Anyway, the problem is the camera is sold out everywhere. I have been waiting for more than three months for it to get in stock. I'm hoping it will be in stock before Christmas so I can take some cute pictures on Christmas eve and my graduation pictures in February. 

Other than that, I have also been looking forward to an upcoming trip next year, which is also the sole reason of me wanting to buy a digital camera, but that story is for another time. :) 

Saturday, September 7, 2024

07 September, 2024

I remembered this one night, when I was 19 years old, I was in India pursuing my bachelor's degree and it was vacation. Me and my roommates decided to go back to Bhutan to spend some time with our family. We did miss home terribly, more than that, we missed the home-made food. Anyway, I decided to take charge of the bus tickets that would take us from our uni in Punjab to Delhi International Airport. We usually would board the night bus and reach Delhi by morning. Like usual, I decided to buy the night tickets, only this time I bought it online. 

Coming from Bhutan, I had never bought travel tickets online except for flight tickets. Although this was a pretty new concept for me, I went ahead and bought the ticket for me and my two other friends. Now, when the time to leave came, we waited outside the uni gate where the bus would make its stop. There were maybe more than hundred students waiting outside the gate to get picked up by the bus. One by one, 7-10 students started getting picked up. Our bus was supposed to come at 12am. As time went by and more busses came and went by, the number of students started to decrease and there were only a handful of us left. 

Internally, I felt insecure, insecure at the lack of my knowledge and quickly self-blamed myself. "Maybe I did not buy the right tickets? Maybe somebody scammed me out of money? Did I lose my friends money and mine? What are my friends thinking about me right now? They must be regretting giving me their money to buy their tickets. They must be thinking, if only they had bought their own tickets. This is all my fault." I could not help but apologize to them, but they were quick to comfort me saying that it was not my fault, and nobody was blaming me and that I shouldn't think like that. The self-blame ate me away though. No longer had I apologized, our bus came at around 3am. It turns out the bus just had a mechanical issue and was delayed. 

The reason I just remembered this is, when I was showering today, I had these sudden thoughts that I haven't self-blamed myself in such a long time. Not saying that this is a bad thing. This is definitely a progress and character build-up for me. Maybe I just started realizing that everything happens for a reason and not everything is my fault. The bus getting delayed was out of my control, it was not my fault. My thought processes have definitely changed, for the better obviously. Maybe if people compared me with 19 year old me and 25 year old me now, they would definitely see most similarities but also vast changes. 

I believe "Life happened" to me and I'm not complaining. :) 

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

4 September, 2024

Funny how I was looking for quotes to add on my blog and then I remembered, my step-father once said, "Perseverance is key to staying one step ahead. If you cannot persevere, it means you are one step behind." I feel like it made a lot of sense when I started living my life independently, started paying my own bills, and when I felt the need to save my earnings. I think my perseverance has brought me this far in life and my personal achievements.  

Speaking of which, today at work, I felt like my patience and perseverance was being tested severely. Funny now that I think about it, I mean it is not that serious but at that moment I felt defeated. I felt like everything was pointless and it didn't make sense to me anymore. Actually considered going back home several times. But, if I am being completely honest, I love the financial independency here. 

Look, being an eldest daughter is sometimes a blessing and a curse. I do earn enough to support myself and save a generous amount but the eldest daughter guilt never stops. Maybe it is just me? I feel the need, an obligation if I may, to give a better life back home; to my parents and sibling. The constant guilt of 'wish they were here'. The guilt continues, sometimes at the expense of my happiness but thats life, isn't it? Like a famous Disney character said, "Some people are worth melting for." :)

Anyway, it is well after mid-night and I do need to get to bed now. I have moved to a new place considering the previous place's owner decided to increase the rent to a ridiculous amount. I have moved in 3/4th of my things in my new place, just need to move the bigger things like my bed and shelf. Probably will need to hire a ute. 

Other than that, another update in my life is that I applied for my TR visa today, spent another several thousand dollars over that. Currently rolling my eyes at the thought of it. I have my medical examination this Friday. Praying everything goes well. :) 

Monday, September 2, 2024

3 September, 2024

I have always loved the idea of keeping a daily diary, organizing my thoughts and planning my decisions a step ahead. Perhaps, it is also a slight display of my OCD. I have bought maybe more than ten diaries to keep my days up-to-date which has remained empty till date. I have also ended up with expensive, fancy looking diaries, some with locks even, to keep myself motivated to update my daily routines at the end of the day. However, I end up doing that for a week and forget about it or start getting lazy. 

I have loved blogs since the moment I discovered it. My true passion for blogging started when I was in seventh grade and I stumbled upon an aesthetic looking, personalized blog where the author had turned it into her online diary! Now, if you know me, I love experimenting with new things. Maybe it is why I have a never ending list of hobbies! Anyway, I loved the idea and took it as an inspiration to start a blog. However, that idea soon came to a halt when I couldn't figure out how to make my blog appealing, and the amount of time I needed to invest. Now, if you know me (again), I am a pink, coquette, aesthetic-freak girly, so I could not bring myself to start a blog without my blog displaying my pink-personality. 

As an adult now, I have some time and resources for myself and I thought 'Why don't I start blogging a diary?' So, I am back at it, utilizing my resources and OCD at its maximum, trying to make my blog as aesthetically appealing as possible while also maintaining time to update my diary entries. The fact that my blog is still pink says a lot about me. :P

Through this process, I am also hoping to have more clarity of my thoughts and perhaps, improve my writing skills more.

If anyone ever ends up stumbling upon this blog, I hope you enjoy going through my personal thoughts in my safe space where I will be pouring my heart out.