Wednesday, September 4, 2024

4 September, 2024

Funny how I was looking for quotes to add on my blog and then I remembered, my step-father once said, "Perseverance is key to staying one step ahead. If you cannot persevere, it means you are one step behind." I feel like it made a lot of sense when I started living my life independently, started paying my own bills, and when I felt the need to save my earnings. I think my perseverance has brought me this far in life and my personal achievements.  

Speaking of which, today at work, I felt like my patience and perseverance was being tested severely. Funny now that I think about it, I mean it is not that serious but at that moment I felt defeated. I felt like everything was pointless and it didn't make sense to me anymore. Actually considered going back home several times. But, if I am being completely honest, I love the financial independency here. 

Look, being an eldest daughter is sometimes a blessing and a curse. I do earn enough to support myself and save a generous amount but the eldest daughter guilt never stops. Maybe it is just me? I feel the need, an obligation if I may, to give a better life back home; to my parents and sibling. The constant guilt of 'wish they were here'. The guilt continues, sometimes at the expense of my happiness but thats life, isn't it? Like a famous Disney character said, "Some people are worth melting for." :)

Anyway, it is well after mid-night and I do need to get to bed now. I have moved to a new place considering the previous place's owner decided to increase the rent to a ridiculous amount. I have moved in 3/4th of my things in my new place, just need to move the bigger things like my bed and shelf. Probably will need to hire a ute. 

Other than that, another update in my life is that I applied for my TR visa today, spent another several thousand dollars over that. Currently rolling my eyes at the thought of it. I have my medical examination this Friday. Praying everything goes well. :) 

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