Monday, September 2, 2024

3 September, 2024

I have always loved the idea of keeping a daily diary, organizing my thoughts and planning my decisions a step ahead. Perhaps, it is also a slight display of my OCD. I have bought maybe more than ten diaries to keep my days up-to-date which has remained empty till date. I have also ended up with expensive, fancy looking diaries, some with locks even, to keep myself motivated to update my daily routines at the end of the day. However, I end up doing that for a week and forget about it or start getting lazy. 

I have loved blogs since the moment I discovered it. My true passion for blogging started when I was in seventh grade and I stumbled upon an aesthetic looking, personalized blog where the author had turned it into her online diary! Now, if you know me, I love experimenting with new things. Maybe it is why I have a never ending list of hobbies! Anyway, I loved the idea and took it as an inspiration to start a blog. However, that idea soon came to a halt when I couldn't figure out how to make my blog appealing, and the amount of time I needed to invest. Now, if you know me (again), I am a pink, coquette, aesthetic-freak girly, so I could not bring myself to start a blog without my blog displaying my pink-personality. 

As an adult now, I have some time and resources for myself and I thought 'Why don't I start blogging a diary?' So, I am back at it, utilizing my resources and OCD at its maximum, trying to make my blog as aesthetically appealing as possible while also maintaining time to update my diary entries. The fact that my blog is still pink says a lot about me. :P

Through this process, I am also hoping to have more clarity of my thoughts and perhaps, improve my writing skills more.

If anyone ever ends up stumbling upon this blog, I hope you enjoy going through my personal thoughts in my safe space where I will be pouring my heart out. 

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