Friday, September 13, 2024

13 September, 2024

Remember how I said, in my last post, that I wanted a camera? Well, lucky for me because I scored one online! I am over the moon, constantly fiddling with my new camera. For those who are wondering what I got, it's a Canon g7x mark 2. I love the color chemistry, and I am already obsessed with it. Here is a picture below for reference. 

Other than that, I also achieved something which might be a little absurd to the 'perfect drivers'. I have been driving for over a year, but I have an immense fear of driving in freeway. So today I was like, "F*ck that, let's do this." I drove in freeway, a little anxious but I made it! I went to my friend's house because it was her birthday. Got her some pink roses (she loves pink) and a small gift. We went to carousel after, did some shopping, grabbed lunch and headed back home.  

Filmed a mini vlog because I was obviously, very excited to use my camera! :P 

Also took some food pictures but really, this is the best one I got.

The place is called Super Tetsudo. Located in various locations but this one was in Westfield Carousel. Love going there. Love the food. Love the tech over there. It was, surprisingly, my friend's first time there! I had to take her. Although, she was not a big fan of sea food. 

Later in the evening, I did end up going with my partner and some of our friends to Shisha. Had a good talk. Always a lovely time with them. 
Did not take my camera there because it is a bit of a dodgy area. 

Anyway, I would think this day was a 10/10. Absolutely loved everything about my day today. 

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